Holistic Health Coaching

What is Holistic Health Coaching?

A professional health relationship which promotes the healthy well-being of the whole person; mind, body, spirit, and emotion. It is a model of care delivery which promotes the following:

  1. Whole person caring
  2. Therapeutic partnering for holistic health
  3. Sacredness of being
  4. Self-care and self-healing
  5. Holistic person nourishment

What does a Health Coach do?

The Holistic Health Coach meets with the client to:

  1. explore health concerns, symptom management and chronic illness effects on life style
  2. transform old lifestyle behaviors to new beginnings

Wheel of Transformation and Healing Model

  1. a visual tool to discover the different aspects of life that affect our thoughts, emotions, behaviors

What is the Coaching Process like?

  1. Session one: establishing relationship and obtaining client story
  2. Session two: review of holistic health picture of the clients life and identified health challenges
  3. Session three through five: the client identifies and discovers current patterns of lifestyle behaviors that are interfering with their goals for whole health.
  4. Session six: Celebration and empowerment of the clients journey towards holistic health in the present and future

Initial Coaching Assessment Form

The client will provide information for the Holistic Health Coach that addresses the four aspects of the Whole person caring: mind, physical, emotional and spiritual aspects of the whole person.

  1. Physical:
    • How would you describe your current health?
    • Do you have concerns about sleeping?
    • Do you feel fatigued or have loss of energy?
  2. Mind:
    • Are you easily distracted?
    • Are you unable to focus?
    • Are you easily overwhelmed?
  3. Spirit:
    • Do you find purpose and meaning in life?
    • Do you feel connected with yourself, others and a higher being?
  4. Emotion:
    • Are you on an emotional roller coaster?
    • Do you feel like you can give or receive love?
  5. Include picture of wheel for these

How do I make an appointment?

Call Hermitage Farm Center for Healing at 507-281-2791 and request an appointment or emailĀ [email protected]

Professional Health Coaching Organizations
