About Hermitage Farm

Hermitage Farm  |  6415 West River Road  |  Rochester, MN 55901 |  (507) 272-2528  | [email protected]


We are Healing Practitioners who are certified in healing modalities. We are passionate about helping others integrate self-healing to live fuller lives of spiritual integration of the mind, body, and spirit.

Meaning of Logo

The Logo at Hermitage Farm Center for Healing represents a path that leads you forward. The spiritual journey can eventually lead each of us into that inner space of peacefulness, healing and place of wholeness. Healing is a process that often requires companions to guide and mentor us throughout the long journey. It is a journey of walking one another home.

Mission Statement

The mission of Hermitage Farm Center for Healing, Inc. is to provide Integrated Complementary Healing therapies. These services will provide individuals an opportunity to deepen their spiritual healing and to create Inner Peace. This corporation is organized and shall be operated for the purpose of providing education, religious and spiritual integrative modalities.

Vision Statement

  • To provide an environment for healing and deepening of the spiritual life.
  • To help integrate and enlighten each individual on their own spiritual path and experience of connection of their mind, body and spirit.
  • To promote a balance of wellness through experiences of self-healing, meditation, prayer and celebration of new life through healing.
  • To help integrate the awareness of honoring, celebrating and healing the whole Earth community: humans, animals, plants and the sacred elements.

History of Hermitage Farm Center for Healing

Dreaming into Being: The creation of Hermitage Farm Center for Healing

By Lisa M. Van Getson

I woke one morning, after a restless night of sleep. In my dream, I was part of a multidisciplinary healthcare team and we were called to Mr. Johnson’s home to assess if he was in the dying process. When we arrived at his home, his family was present at his bedside. The ventilator was sitting in the room; however he was not connected to the ventilator. He was awake and breathing on his own. The home was full of people praying over him in silence. They were moving their hands over his body and the room was as bright as the golden sun. The family was waiting for our medical opinion. I smiled and gently asked, “what opinion do you need from us?” And, as I awoke from the dream, I felt this deep peace of oneness.

During the past 25 years, I have had this same dream many times. Each time, I learn another meaning and interpretation of the dream. I realized that the meaning of the images and metaphors needed to be ‘dreamed’ into a physical reality. And so, I continued my spiritual journey of trying to listen and make real what the dream was teaching me… “To create a place of beauty for praying and healing.”

And so it was that one beautiful day when I was driving around Rochester looking for a home to buy. I drove out past an evergreen farm to look for Eagles that often flew in that part of town. Looking up to the sky, I noticed two Eagles circling the driveway of a home. I pulled into the driveway and put my car into park. I was quickly mesmerized by the flight patterns of the Eagles. Ah, what a sacred experience! I turned to my right, only to notice a sign that read, “HOUSE FOR SALE BY OWNER.” Humm…and then slowly the Eagles moved down to the end of the driveway. I put my car in drive, and pulled forward. There stood a beautiful greenhouse, an old dairy barn and beautiful gardens. Alas…a place to grow my own food source and a barn?!! Yes, a barn to build a retreat and healing center. I parked the car and a gentleman came out of the barn to greet me. I knew that I had stepped into a mystical moment…a place that was far beyond my own doing. And, it was during that moment, that I knew….creation was at work. I had “shown up” and was ready to participate! Two essential elements, for the mystical spiritual life!

I began to pray for the birthing of Hermitage Farm…I knew the builders and the healers would arrive at the right time. As one of the builders always says, “the building of Hermitage Farm Center for Healing has been a labor of love and the energy in the barn has a way of bringing forth what is needed to complete the Center.”

Today, I remember how Mr. Johnson became a spiritual teacher from my dream. Healing begins with love and giving light with the intention to heal. This compliments the medical practices of healthcare. And now, the time has come! Hermitage Farm Center for Healing will continue to dream into being… to take flight like the Eagles…..

And for the people who will drive into the driveway at Hermitage Farm Center for Healing…………… you are all invited to “show up” and “participate” in the beautiful ways of healing and living into a Peaceful way of being! And for our Creator who has Dreamed this place into Being….…..I give thanks!

Who Are We?

We are Healing Practitioners who are certified in healing modalities. We are passionate about helping others integrate self-healing to live fuller lives of spiritual integration of the mind, body, and spirit.